Learn About the Didjeridu

Randin Graves is available for the following:

  • private didgeridoo lessons
  • group workshops
  • university lectures
  • school & library presentations for all ages
  • concerts/demos

As you may have read on our About page, Randin is one of the world's leading experts on the didjeridu or didgeridoo, as a trained western musician, an academic with a master's degree project on the instrument at its origins, and as an Aussie citizen who lived and worked with Aboriginal masters of the instrument. He is a great teacher of the instrument to western students. As an Australian-American Fulbright Fellow and former employee of an Aboriginal organization that hired him as a didjeridu expert, he has literally been appointed an ambassador of the instrument and its culture by two governments and a council of Aboriginal elders.

Whether you're looking for private lessons, elementary school presentations, university lectures, or anything else entertaining and educational about the didjeridu, Randin is one of the best people in the world for the job. He currently teaches and sells instruments out of his home in Salt Lake City, Utah but is available to travel. Feel free to contact Randin HERE.

Randin with the late great David Blanasi at a workshop
he organized for the master in San Diego in 1999.
  Researcher at work - in the collections of
the National Museum of Australia in 2004.

For more information than you could imagine about the didjeridu in its traditional context in northeast Arnhem Land, visit Yidakiwuy Dhawu Miwatjngurunydja, the website Randin made in collaboration with many Yolngu People as part of his master's degree. It is available in four languages.
